Watch this video which will show you all of the steps needed to install the Contest Burner plugin and set up your contest:
These are the most common solutions for configuring the opt in form
to work with Contest Burner:
1. Please make sure you have the current version of Contest burner,
2.1 or newer. There were some compatibility issues with earlier
versions and they ca...
This is possible with Version 2.2 and beyond. You now have the ability
to edit not only the css but also the copy and language of the
different areas of the plugin.
You can edit the css (styling and look) by going to the css folder of
your Contest Burner...
This is usually caused by a conflict with another plugin.
The best way to figure out if this is the case would be to disable all
of your plugins other than Contest Burner. If Contest Burner starts
working and you can create a contest then you know there i...
There is an issue on some web servers with the contest links shortcode, [contest_links contest="contest_slug"] where it is necessary to remove the quotes in order for the plugin to recognize the contest. To solve the "Contest Not Found" error when e...
You can use this as an example of how to create your contest links page to explain your contest to your users and get them excited about it:
Awesome Headline Here
Explanation of the details of your contest
How To Win...
Once You've signed up you'll get a...
You can use this as an example of how to create your leaderboard page:
Dazzling Headline
[contest_leaders contest="amazing_blog_contest"] (You need to replace this with your contest slug)
Contest Rules: We HATE Spam of all kinds. While we encourage you t...
In order to link your app with your contest on your site, you must
first go into the Facebook tab on your Contest Burner site plugin and
enter in the Facebook Page ID.
To find Page ID :
1. Go to your page
2. Click " About "
3.You can see " Facebook P...
Permalinks are desribed in detail in Wordpress' help area:
The link path simply creates a contest link for your users to use so they can send people to the page you specify and they will receive contest points for doing so.It will be your website's address, followed by the link path you specify and then the conte...
When you create a contest link, you specify where that link will go. Lets say for example that you created a contest on your site and defined the link path as /c/. A user with the username joeblow's contest link will look like this: ...
These are the most common solutions when the leaderboard isn't working correctly and not showing points:
1. Using the wrong contest slug. There are many different reasons this can happen, but make sure that the contest slug for the contest you are current...